



In the picture we see a traditional wooden boat with a boatman steering it with a long wooden pole. In the boat, two tourists seem to be enjoying not just the cruise, but also the food they bring on the boat. One of them throws the unwanted left-over food and the wrapping paper into the lake.

These two men are obviously not the first to throw food and packages into the lake, which has already been littered with a great deal of similar rubbish. From what looks now on the lake, it has already been heavily polluted with the garbage that tourists left behind, or what the picture-caption calls “Leftovers of Tourism”.

The picture strikes me as a thought-provoking criticism of tourists’ bad habits. It forces us to review our behavior and ponder if we should only think of our own pleasure and convenience, and ignore the order and tidiness of the places we visit. It forces us to reconsider our relationship with nature and ponder what we should do to make our activities friendly to the environment. I know from news reports that, not just is such bad tourist behavior taking place inside our own country, but some of our countrymen are also taking their bad habits abroad. In this sense, the picture poses challenging questions on the relationship between individual behavior and public interests, as well as on our very idea of morality.

Obviously, many of our countrymen need education, not just in environmental protection, but also in moral principle. Everyone should know that natural beauty belongs to all the society. No individual has the right to damage or litter the beautiful environment.


1.traditional wooden boat 传统木船

2.steer v.驾驶

3.seem to do 似乎做某事

4.cruise n.乘船旅行

5.unwanted a.不需要的

6.left-over n.所剩之物 (近义:rubbish, garbage)

7.wrapping paper 包装纸

8.package n.包装纸

9.be littered with 到处丢弃

10.heavily pollute 严重污染

11.strike sb as 给某人……印象

12.thought-provoking a.令人深思

13.review our behavior 审视自己的行为

14. ponder v.思考

15. relationship with nature 与自然之间的关系

16. friendly to the environment 对环境友好

17.poses challenging questions on 提出挑战性的问题

18.public interests 公众利益

19.moral principle 道德规范


第一段:以船为中心按地点顺序展开描写。第 1 句描写船夫正在撑船;第 2-3 句描写船内两


第二段:第 1 句将向湖里扔垃圾的两人的特殊行为延伸到所有旅行者的普遍性行为;第 2


第三段:第 1 句总述图片批判了旅行者的坏行为,令人深思。第 2—5 句论述图片带给我们

的思索,从行为→人与自然关系→道德观,逐渐深入:第 2 句指出图片让我们思考我们是否

应该只顾自己而不顾环境;第 3 句指出图片让我们重新思考与自然的关系,思考如何才能与

环境保持友好关系;第 4 句提出游客的不良行为不仅在国内有体现,甚至带到了国外;第 5

句在第 4 句的基础上提出,图片提出事关个人行为和公众利益的关系以及道德的问题。

第三段:探讨如何解决问题: 第 1 句指出需要在保护环境,及道德规范方面教育民众 ;第

2-3 句从正反两个方面论述个人应该采取的行为,第 2 句说每个人应该意识到环境属于社会,

第 3 句说每个人都没有权利破坏环境。


In the picture we see a traditional wooden boat with a boatman steering it with a long wooden pole. In the boat, two tourists seem to be enjoying not just the cruise, but also the food they bring on the boat. One of them throws the unwanted left-over food and the wrapping paper into the lake.

These two men are obviously not the first to throw food and packages into the lake, since the lake has already been littered with a great deal of similar rubbish. It is sad that the lake has already been heavily polluted with the garbage that tourists left behind, or what the picture-caption calls“Leftovers of Tourism”.

The picture strikes me as a thought-provoking criticism of some tourists’ bad habits. Those immoral tourists only think of their own pleasure and convenience, and ignore the order and tidiness of scenic spots. This picture forces us to review our own behavior, reconsider our relationship with nature and figure out what we should do to make our activities friendly to the environment. In addition, this picture reminds me of news reports that, not just is such bad tourist behavior taking place inside our own country, but some of our countrymen are also taking their bad habits abroad. In this sense, the picture poses challenging questions on the relationship between individual behavior and public interests, as well as on our very idea of morality.

How can we alleviate the problem revealed in the above picture? Obviously, education should be given to many of our countrymen, not just in environmental protection, but also in moral principle. Everyone should be aware that natural beauty belongs to all the society. No individual has the right to damage or litter the beautiful environment.















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