

天津师范研究生院,天津师范大学研究生院   复试歧视也是很多同学会担心的问题,因为考研一般大家都会选择往上考,211的同学可能会选择考985,985的同学可能会选择考C9,其实复试歧视的问题对于二本学生和双非院校的学生来讲,才是更令人担心的。这个问题在考试当中也是会普遍存在的,其实也很好理解,对于导师来讲,如果是一样的分数,那么一个211的学生和一个双非的学生,他肯定会优先选211的学生。但是如果你分数远远超过了那个211的学生,那么老师可能就会选你,所以初试的分数还是比较重要的,尽量把初试的分数去考高。另外有些学校歧视双非和二本会比较严重,在考研之前最好提前先做了解,对于一些非常歧视的学校就直接就不要报了。  48.南开考研辅导班找哪家比较靠谱?

师范类 公办 普通本科

天津师范大学(简称天师大,Tianjin Normal University),于1958年始建,坐落于天津市,是天津市属重点大学,首批教育部来华留学示范基地,中国政府奖学金来华留学生接收院校,“中日人文交流大学联盟”创始成员。其前身是天津师范学院,后由天津师范大学、天津师范高等专科学校、天津教育学院合并组建而成。


Tianjin Normal University

Normal public ordinary undergraduate course

Tianjin Normal University (Tianjin Normal University), founded in 1958, is located in Tianjin City. It is one of the key universities affiliated to Tianjin Municipality. It is one of the first batch of demonstration bases for overseas students of the Ministry of Education, one of the host institutions for overseas students receiving Chinese Government Scholarship, and one of the founding members of "China-Japan University Alliance for Humanities Exchange". It was formerly known as Tianjin Normal College, which was later formed by the merger of Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin Normal College and Tianjin Education Institute.

The school in the Ministry of Education "outstanding teacher training plan", the national characteristic "key subject projects", "national construction high-level university professional graduate programs", the first "new engineering research and practice project", "national college students' innovative entrepreneurial training plan", the school goal is to construct tianjin normal university into a domestic first-class comprehensive university teacher education characteristics.

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