

吉林大学研究生院,   2,更具有师资  考研班辅导老师有很多都是非常优质的,但是我们会发现,并非是所有这个老师的班上同学都能够具有不错的学习成绩的。原因就是在于每个老师的教育方式不同,每个学生的吸收方式也不同,如果不匹配,学习效果也不会好。就算是高途考研的明星老师李旭老师,也未必是所有学员听了他的英语课之后,都可以达到成绩突飞猛进的。关键还是要适合!所以高途考研可以让学员有一次免费试听的机会,你可以按照自己的喜好标准先去试听听看看,再做决定。


The Graduate School of Jilin University, founded in June 1984, is one of the first pilot graduate schools of 22 key universities in China approved by the State Council. The graduate education of Jilin University started earlier. It began to enroll graduate students in 1949, three-year graduate students in 1952, and degree graduate students in 1978. In October 1985, with the approval of the State Council, Jilin University became one of the first units to establish a post-doctoral research station. In March 1996, with the approval of the former State Education Commission, it became one of the first graduate schools to be officially established. The graduate education is more complete, covering 12 disciplines including philosophy, economics, law, pedagogy, literature, history, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, military science and management science.

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